Theatre Magic
Getting reflective and sentimental
Kid #2 is working backstage for a show that is all about Mamas. I sat in the audience tonight. When I came out of the theater (masked and distanced from others) Kid #2 was standing there. I did the usual. I hugged them and told them they did a great job. I told them that they were my favorite part of the whole show. And, that was true.
What I was not prepared for was standing next to them waiting for the actors to come so that I could “Good job!” them too and having the kid cry and say,
“I haven’t cried at the end yet. But, knowing you were in the audience . . .”
And, then they cried and hugged me and through those tears said,
I love you.
Theatre magic!
Just kidding. We have good moments often. It was nice to know that the message of what a mom goes through, how only a mom can know what a mom feels like, and what it is like to pee all over yourself because you have had babies wasn’t lost on the teenager working backstage.
I didn’t want to go. I’m tired. (I don’t want to be writing either because I’m still tired!) But, it was important to the kid. And, that makes it important to me.
I’ve been thinking a lot today about the differences between Kid #1 and Kid #2. From being pregnant to teaching them to drive, I handle it all differently. Sometimes that is to Kid #2’s advantage. More often it is not. I’m too tired to write about those differences tonight. I’ll continue to ponder and reflect. Theatre has a way of causing a person to do that.
This is Year 49 . . .